Sunday, June 29, 2008


Even as a child, I thought it strange that humanity was limited to the 3rd dimension. I spent hours contemplating this idea and trying to re-access the other worlds that I was sure existed. By 1986-87 it was obvious that thousands on the planet were beginning to respond outwardly to the call of multi-dimensionality. Yet it was not until this Mayan year of 7 Eb, that I have felt the possibility of humanity becoming limitless and traveling interdimensionally becoming a reality.

The Mayan year of 7 Eb, a GAP year, (3/21/1996 to 3/21/1997) is set apart from other Mayan years with two powerful comets on the equinoxes. This past Fall Equinox (9/21-22) marked the center of the Mayan year. Just 4 days later on 1 Imix (9/26), a new Tzolk'in cycle began with the influence of a full lunar eclipse. According to the Mayan calendar and Native American traditions, the full lunar eclipse represents a cosmic doorway that helps humanity cross into other dimensions to receive teachings that will help us with the accelerated times in which we live. We will experience multi-dimensionality not just with our minds and spirits, but also with our physical bodies! The 2 comets and the lunar eclipse remind us that there is no time to waste. September 21, 1996, to March 21, 1997, is a critical time for those with the calling to become multidimensional to walk through the doors to help free humanity! As we continue to radically transform there will be no grace period where we can heal and integrate after each wave of energy. Humanity will need help from those who have gone before and have a clue about how to deal with the shifts. (For more on the Mayan year 7 Eb refer to "The Rising of the Sacred World Calendar" in March 1996 issue of Sedona Journal of Emergence. For more on the Equinoctial comets refer to "Yahk'utah is with us" in the July 1996 issue of Sedona Journal of Emergence.)

During travels in the Maya and Inca Lands, and from wisdom shared by traditional people and the Cosmic Maya, I have had the opportunity to collect a few pieces to the puzzle that may help us break down the barriers to becoming multi-dimensional beings. Even though it can take a lifetime to prepare and re-remember how to interdimensionally travel, many of us have already completed the groundwork, enabling us to take the next step. The focus of this article is to access the inner cities of Lemuria where the masters reside. Here we can acquire wisdom to be used in service to humanity.

Interdimensional Travel and UFO's...
Interdimensional travel brings up the topic of UFO's. The interdimensional travel I am speaking of does not use the externalization of energy, such as a space ship. Many teachers on the planet are suggesting that those cosmic brothers and sisters who use spaceships are externalizing their power. I tend to agree, as the Cosmic Maya never use a ship. According to Inca spiritual messenger, Willaru Huayta, the Inca don't use ships either. If we need a clunky external ship to get us from here to there, we are not living in our full Christed presence.

Dimensional Travel in Sacred Sites...
Dimensional doorways still exist in Mexico and Peru, along with countless others at sacred sites scattered across the globe. Many of these are unmarked and undocumented and can be discovered by being sensitive to energy. Dimensional doorways in sacred sites have the advantage of thousands of years of successful interdimensional travel locked in their etheric records that create portals of energy facilitating travel. It is easy to plug into the etheric energy, helping us access our own ability.

In the Mayalands, many dimensional doorways are primarily used for horizontal travel to other 3D places on the planet and to different time zones (future-past). Some sites such as Palenque, Quirigua, Copan, and Tikal, were used to travel to other places in the galaxy. Others were used to enter the inner earth as well.

In Peru, many doorways are used for entering the crystal/golden cities. The veils between us and the inner cities are very thin at this time. The Inti Runa (People from the Sun) are waiting for our arrival with great anticipation. These Lemurian/Master beings share useful information and wisdom to help humanity. Machupicchu's crystal city in Apu Putu Cusi, Tambomachay, Ollantaytambo and the Dimensional Doorway of Aramu Muru are a few of the most obvious.

CLEARING your space...
Before you begin your journey to the inner cities or to another dimension, you must clear yourself of negative karma and negative ego. Any negative emotion and/or past issue that has not been cleared can cause problems with your travel plans. In short, you just won't be able to make the journey or you will follow the energy to a negative place. As you continue to clear, you will be allowed to enter the cities. (For more information on ego and karma see "Becoming Inca" in Sedona Journal of Emergence, November, 1996 issue)

Let Go of All Attachments to This World...
An insight received from Willaru Huayta informs us that all attachments to this world will hold us back in 3D. Our family and possessions will keep us from walking through the door. We need to release everything in our life, even attachment to ourselves. This does not mean we need to sell our belongings and dissolve our relationships, but it does mean we need to be in control of desires in our mental and emotional worlds. If we arrive at the door with hesitation or fear, we still have 3D attachments. We will need to work on releasing them.

Finish the Day...
Another clue was received from a Native American Elder. He shared we must finish the day. If we have unfinished business on the day we wish to travel, it will hold us back. This is especially true if we are trying to travel to the future. We will not be able to move through time or across dimensions if the letter we wanted to write is still sitting on the desk or the cat needs feeding.

Know Your Motivation...
Consider your motivation for desiring to dimensional travel. Ask yourself what positive benefit it would have for you, or humanity, if you were allowed to make the journey. If your desire is based in personal entertainment, or if you are desiring phenomena in you life to validate yourself, your motivation is based in personal ego. Gaining access to the crystal cities is a sacred responsibility and honor. Misusing the experience for personal benefit would create negative karma. A quick way to discern your motivation is to make a solemn vow that you will not share your experience with anyone. If your motivation is selfless and what is to be gained will be used to benefit humanity, you have passed the next step.

Deep Concentration...
We need to be in complete control of every thought and emotion when doing this work. It is dangerous to lose concentration when you are pulling in powerful energy. If you are flooding in powerful solar forces and have a negative thought you will manifest that thought. If you are halfway through the door and see a disturbing entity and let it disrupt you, are going to get yanked abruptly back into this reality. Be conscious. Stay clear and positive. If you are in a discordant mood, depressed, agitated...don't do this work. The South American tribe called the Kogi are masters of deep concentration. (For more information about the Kogi read the book "The Elder Brothers" by Alan Ereira or a video called "From The Heart of the World"). There are many ways to master your thoughts and emotions, Ascended Master teachings, meditation, breathing techniques, etc. Find a method that works for you.

Plugging into the Energy...
Once you have completed the preceding steps, you are ready to begin a journey. This is where our ability to know ourselves and our connection to the cosmos is imperative, and comes deeply into play. How one makes the journey is a varied as each human being. This is why it can take a lifetime to prepare for dimensional journeys. Where, when, and how you travel is up to spirit and your ability to hear your personal guidance. Remember, you can't think yourself there, you need to sense yourself there. If we get stuck in our heads without engaging our hearts the doors will close. Remember to use your heart.

Many travel with sound, others with visuals and feeling. The Maya use the sounding of the conch shell horn. The conch helps us vibrate at the same frequency as the dimensional doorways. We discovered that if we leaned upon the door with our body and used the conch shell horn behind us, we could feel our bodies melt into the stone doorways. The only reason we did not enter the cities at that time was because we did not get past our belief in the illusion that there was a stone wall there. Watch out for the 3D density. It does not exist in the 4D. Remember, everything is connected. Stone is no more impenetrable than the air surrounding it. If you are in the sacred sites of Palenque, or Tikal, use the sound of the Howler Monkeys. Meditate and allow yourself to travel through their roar into the sound of the solar winds behind their roar.

In Peru, Willaru Huayta uses sound of the Andean Pan Pipes. This beautiful music has a dual purpose as it opens the angelic realms along with our hearts. I watched Willaru weave magic as he played his pan pipes to the sacred Apu's (mountain spirits). In Mexico, Mayan Elder, Hunbatz Men uses the sound of a clay flute and the name of the Sun "KIN".

Understanding the Cosmic Cycles...
Using sacred time cycles as in the Mayan calendar to understand the inter-connectedness between the Earth, the stars and humanity is vital. We need to have an understanding of the creative manifestation force of the universe. It is imperative to know ourselves deeply and how we connect with the cosmic whole. This is a difficult step, especially if we usually shy away from seeing our issues and challenges. We need to see all sides of ourselves, positive and negative, our gifts and challenges, personalities and perspectives. Once we plug into the cosmic universal force with deep understanding of our body, mind and spirit, we can access the map to interdimensional travel.

When we use the Mayan calendar we begin to understand 90 degree turns that make time/interdimensional travel possible. The G pattern is a symbol of our spiraling galaxy and is an important factor in dimensional travel. The G pattern exists in Mayan art work and many G-shaped rooms can be found in sacred temples. In the creative force of 13, we make three 90 degree turns to shift to the next dimension. In the first turn we enter an energy vortex. In the second turn we lose sight of this reality and this step is executed in a void space with trust and an open heart. The third turn is our exit point into the next dimension or crystal city.

Opening Your Inner Temple...
This key was received from Willaru Huayta while on the Island of the Moon in Lake Titicaca. He teaches us to discover and open the sacred temple inside us. When we open our inner temple we can access the crystal/golden cities. (For more information on opening your inner temple, see "Becoming Inca Meditation" in Sedona Journal of Emergence, November 1996 issue)

Giving Yourself Away...
In Peru, I found myself continually giving my heart and my whole being away to the sacred mountains and the dimensional doorways. I let go of attachment to myself and affirmed that I no longer owned myself, but was a servant of the Creator. In the spirit of the moment and the grandeur of the Andes, I found myself giving my heart away over and over again. What I was doing was actually entering the doorways and crystal cities etherically by giving myself to them.

As You Pass Through into the 4th Dimension...
There may be some unusual experiences when you begin pass though the doors with your physical body. With the first turn in the G pattern we will notice that this world passes away, even our memory of it. We will need to set an intention and create a return doorway back to this reality. According to Willaru, we may also experience intense color or meet the guardians of planet Earth. Willaru warns there are positive cities and negative ones. Be clear and place your attention on the positive so as not to enter a negative city.

The Knowledge...
As you enter the crystal cites you will be instructed with sacred truths from, who Willaru calls, a Great Inca or the Great White Brotherhood. The knowledge and wisdom you bring back with you to the 3D reality are a deep and sacred responsibility. Be conscious of how you share it.

Most of us will not be sitting on top a Mayan temple or standing in the Aramu Muru's dimensional doorway at Lake Titicaca this month. We can travel by using a picture of a favorite sacred site as a focal point. Also there are many dimensional doorways in nature. Just tune into them! Remember to let go of this reality. Unplug the phones, radios, TV and VCR and hide the clocks. If you can flip the main breaker to the power into the house, do it!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Lake Rathetear

Hello All

Today I just wanted to share a picture from Lake Rathetear in Everquest 1. It's a small zone but very nice and tranquil. Looks can be decieveing though, there are dangers in this zone.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Full Moon

Everyone talks about a full moon and how it affects a person. Now since we know there is no such thing as a full moonpeople that say they are afected by the full moon only use that as an excuse. Do the research.

We could then say that the Moon is officially "full" for only one minute. The Full Moon of Feb. 6, for instance, occurred at 3:14 a.m. EST. In the very strictest sense, one minute before that time, the phase of the Moon was a waxing gibbous; one minute after that time, it was a waning gibbous phase.
But the mechanics of the celestial alignment -- the Sun, Earth and Moon all in a line -- adds a twist to the idea of fullness.
The disk of the Moon can appear 100 percent sunlit from Earth only if it is diametrically opposite to the Sun in the sky. But at that moment the Moon would be positioned in the middle of Earths shadow -- and in total eclipse. So in any month when there is no eclipse, there is an ever-so-slight sliver of darkness somewhere on the lunar limb throughout those hours -- or that moment -- when the Moon is passing through "full" phase.
So why isn't there an eclipse every month?
Because the plane of the Moon's orbit is inclined 5 percent with respect to the plane of Earth's orbit around the Sun. Only once every few months does a Full Moon occur when the orbits are lined up just right to create an eclipse.
People often refer to the Moon as being full a day or two before or after the actual date of fullness. Yet, close inspection will usually reveal that the Moon is not fully illuminated on these prior or subsequent days, but is indeed gibbous or slightly out of roundness.
So, just how long is the interval during which the full Moon seems to appear perfectly round? And when can this effect first be noted with binoculars or the unaided eye?
In the course of one hour, the Moon appears to move eastward against the background stars at roughly its own apparent diameter, or about half a degree. As a consequence, the lunar phase angle the angle of illumination that the Moon makes with the Sun changes, but very slowly. On the Moons surface, this corresponds to only about 10 miles each hour. So the change from a disk that appears fully illuminated, to one that shows a slight out of roundness can be rather subtle.
This test can be made Saturday night, March 6, when full Moon occurs at 23:14 U.T., or 6:14 p.m. EST. For Europeans, the Moon will be high in the south-southeast sky. For North Americans, the Moon will either have just risen, or moonrise will be, at most, less than a few hours away.
When the Moon sets about seven hours later for Europeans, will it still appear perfectly round for them, or ever so slightly out of shape? At about that same time the Moon will be approaching its highest point in the sky over North America.
After about another six or seven hours or at least a half a day after the time that the Moon turned full the Moon will be getting ready to set over North America. By then, anyone looking carefully enough with binoculars should be able to detect a slight sliver of darkness (astronomers call this the terminator) along the western, or right edge of the Moon.

Soccer Europa Championships

The 1 first round is almost done, next rounds are elimination rounds. If Germany wants to win it, they will have to play much better then they have been. They snuck by Austria with a 1 - 0 with a goal by Ballack eliminating Austria the host of this years Championships.
Germany has a record of 2 wins and 1 loss, they face the suprising Portugies that have yet also a 2 - 1 record, but have been playing much better. Can Portugal eliminate the German team?
Croatia is also looking good, and it seems Italy have gotten back in form. One can't look past the Netherlands that have yet to lose a game, they are playing in top form and some consider them the favorite to take the championship. There are two games left in the first round that ought to be good games.
I will post new developments after the games.

I also wanted to take this time to congradulate the Boston Celtics for there long awaited (22 years) for winning the NBA Finals.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Gas Prices

As we all know gas prices are on the rise with no end in sight. Why are the prices going up even though the barrel of oil drops. In a perfect world the gas prices would drop when the barrel drops, but they keep rising. We all know it's a rip off, just look a diesel. Diesel doesn't need to be refined but yet it's more expensive then unleaded gas. Now they tell us the price is because of the cost of refining the oil into gas, then they switch there comment and state ?
"The cost of finding new oil is getting more expensive". The Arabs have stated a few times there is no need for gas to be more then two dollars a gallon. Does anyone see a pattern here?
"Why is gas so expansive?"
"Well, because it's getting more expensive to refine oil."
"Why is gas so expensive?"
"Well, because it costs more to find new places to drill for oil."
"Why is gas so expensive?"
"Well, because there was a hurricane and it stopped production."
Now that is a load of BS, We have had Hurricanes before. They act like hurricanes are something new.

"Why did we invade Iraq?"
"Well, because they have WMD's."
"Why did we invade Iraq?"
"Well, because we need to liberate the Iraqis."
"Why did we invade Iraq?"
"Well, because we had to protect the oil fields."

Seems all we get from the Politicians are lame excuses and most people believe them.
The only reason why gas is so expensive is because of greed. Thats all it is plain greed.

Now I ask you, why do you think gas prices are so high?
